The used tea bag, pomegranite-cranberry deep regal violet red blotches, against stainless-steel sink edge, looking like what the word bleeding was written to show. Blood sacrifice I think as I gaze into the color. A toe tag that says 'Lipton. Green Tea. 100% Natural.' The tea bag born to give abundant life. The tea, the pomegranite, take and drink in remembrance. In attention. In love.
The weight of so much love, clotting and sinking to the bottom. Dark and heavy, giving shape and ballast to the bag. "Naturally protective antioxidants" reads the back of the tag. Bloody tea stains on half the string, then before the tag, suddenly, pure white line, gravity pulls along the side of the sink. As it pulls everywhere equally at this altitude.
Up, up to higher ground, to air and light. Finally the tag, resurrected, can lift above the weight of all that blood fruit. Can save us from thirst and too much knowledge. From emptiness, the stained bottom of the empty cup.
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