Saturday, June 11, 2011

January 6 Day Five

The coffee mug was something I bought at a garage sale for a dime.  I had planned to let the kids have it because it is big like my ceramic coffee mug that fascinates them.  This one is a lightweight plastic.  Instead I kept it for myself and today I am drinking my morning coffee from it.

It's so light and the warmth of the coffee seeps through to warm my hand when I rest it along the side.  It's the color of lima beans, adorned with multicolored asterisks:  squash-yellow, tangerine, blue, pale red, mottled grey.  There are two small chips in the rim, like bite marks from a puppy who tasted the coffee and then bit the cup in protest of the bitter flavor.

Inside, the coffee is nearly gone.  Small bubbles look upward and in the largest one I can see my reflection moving left to right as I shift my point of view.  When I sip I see myself again briefly in the bottom of the cup while it is moist and exposed, then I'm gone and a brown cream-streaked pool covers me as it looks up.  It's bubbles show me to myself:   mother-daughter-Holy Spirit-virgin-wife-crone.

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